Monitoring Your Laptop Hard Drive health - Two Complementary Ways to Do It

Most laptop computer owners make a mistake of never monitoring their hard drive health. And since much of their critical data resides on the laptop hard disk, they end up losing critical data and not being ready for it. Here, we narrate three ways you can usually monitor your hard drive health and, when you see trouble, get ready to replace your hard drive and run more frequent backups. When you are forewarned and prepared, an definite hard disk crash will not cause you a financial loss or a loss of your critical photos, or documents. This is exact data that pertains strictly to Microsoft Windows users. The two ways to monitor your laptop hard disk health are: often running and monitoring the chkdsk utility and running a hard drive temperature monitor process such as SpeedFan. Let us get right into it.


Frequently running and monitoring the chkdsk utility. This is a utility that comes with all versions of Windows. It is best run through the Command Line interface, for example, in Vista, click Start then type chkdsk and click on chkdsk.exe that appears. You will run the default, read-only version of check disk.This will report badsectors on your default hard disk, but will not repair them automatically. Still, it is a useful tool for our purpose. You just need to make sure that there are no errors. That will be one indication that your hard drive is in good shape. When the tool reports errors, you can always click Start then type cmd.exe, click on cmd.exe and then run chkdsk c: /f to fix bad sectors on your disk. When you run this utility frequently, you will be forewarned of any deterioration of your laptops hard disk.
HDD Repair Bad Sectors |Monitoring Your Laptop Hard Drive health - Two Complementary Ways to Do It
HDD Repair Bad Sectors
Running a hard drive temperature monitoring process SpeedFan. You can derive SpeedFan for free This is quite an impressive range of monitors for your laptop. For our purposes here, let's just run SpeedFan, click on the S.M.A.R.T. Tab and opt the hard drive. This screen monitors some hard disk properties such as read and write errors. As long as you see only green Ok symbols in the left column, and you see the full blue bars on the bottom for Fitness and Performance, your hard disk is performing okay. You can also check the hard drive temperature under Readings and under Readings / Configure / Events even set your own notifications, say if your hard drive temperature hits 50C.
So there you have it. You now know how to monitor your laptop drive health in two complementary ways. So go out and spend a few minutes checking the disk, and downloading SpeedFan and setting up notifications with SpeedFan. Within just a few minutes, you will have a great monitoring mechanism that will post you of impending disk drive troubles, such as a possible overheating and a possible subsequent crash. You will be able to save your critical data before it is too late.

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