Sony Ericsson WT 19i Problem Solution.
First Try holding down the Power button and the Volume Up button for around 15 seconds, once this has been done plug the charge cable in to the handset and let is charge for around an hour.
Once done, try powering on the device.
If it didnt work then,
Plug your Mobile into USB Connector and check wether your mobile is charging over here.
If you can detect your phone by USB, focus on BSI.
Do you have basic measuring equipment? Below the info is taken from another forum:
check the charging pin connection X2200
check the C2200 and C1317 .. L1300c
if all three are still working well change N1303c
if work on no results
rehot or replace N1602

IRCTC Tatkal Booking With Software.
Hey Friends, This is vishal Today i am showing you how to book Tatkal Ticket Quickly in few Seconds depending on your net connection.
This is the IRCTC Tatkal Booking Software in which u have to Enter the credential and simply click on start Booking and Rest will be done automatically Untill Payment Gateway.
Even I can Also Add Payment Gateway Also in this Software But for Security Reason this part u have to done manually. But which i Covered is 90%. and Remaining 10% is for bank Transaction.
1. Open Chrome and Simply Click on Railway Icon on top right Side
2. Now to enter Credentials so that i can automatically Start the booking.
3. After Filling all the details Simply Click On Start Booking.
I have added a function in this software, so suppose u start your internet @9.30 and fill the details and save it and click on start booking. it will not login into website untill 9.50 AM and @ 9.50AM it will automatically Login with Your Given IRCTC Username and Password. and Wait till 10.00AM Bcoz Tatkal Window Opens @ 10.00AM till that it will Refresh the Session and we Will be in Irctc Website and as soon as it will be 10.00AM it will automatically Start the IRCTC Tatkal Booking Process. I.e it will automatically fill :
1.Plan My Travels
2. Auotmatically Select the train and desired Class to travels
3. Auotmatically Fill the Credentials except Capatcha.(bocz capatcha cant be fill automatically if u want to fill Capatcha automatically i can guide u.)
4. and click on submit and it will automatically take u to the Payment Gateway. and done rest is your Job Bcoz i did 90% and rest 10% u have to do for ur safety.
If u want to check Video Tutorial Check iot out.
This is the IRCTC Tatkal Booking Software in which u have to Enter the credential and simply click on start Booking and Rest will be done automatically Untill Payment Gateway.
Even I can Also Add Payment Gateway Also in this Software But for Security Reason this part u have to done manually. But which i Covered is 90%. and Remaining 10% is for bank Transaction.
1. Open Chrome and Simply Click on Railway Icon on top right Side
2. Now to enter Credentials so that i can automatically Start the booking.
3. After Filling all the details Simply Click On Start Booking.
I have added a function in this software, so suppose u start your internet @9.30 and fill the details and save it and click on start booking. it will not login into website untill 9.50 AM and @ 9.50AM it will automatically Login with Your Given IRCTC Username and Password. and Wait till 10.00AM Bcoz Tatkal Window Opens @ 10.00AM till that it will Refresh the Session and we Will be in Irctc Website and as soon as it will be 10.00AM it will automatically Start the IRCTC Tatkal Booking Process. I.e it will automatically fill :
1.Plan My Travels
2. Auotmatically Select the train and desired Class to travels
3. Auotmatically Fill the Credentials except Capatcha.(bocz capatcha cant be fill automatically if u want to fill Capatcha automatically i can guide u.)
4. and click on submit and it will automatically take u to the Payment Gateway. and done rest is your Job Bcoz i did 90% and rest 10% u have to do for ur safety.
If u want to check Video Tutorial Check iot out.
Thank You.

Whatsapp Tricks
WhatsApp is one of the most effective cross platform messenger app present till date. Apart from live chat, mesmerising features like sharing media and other data are key features that allows WhatsApp to hold number of users with it. WhatsApp is now emerging as one of the most influential social media leader. With over 200mn monthly active users, this amazing messaging client has more users than Twitter.
Although everything is quite handy, but some useful WhatsApp tips and tricks will certainly add icing to the cake. Without wasting any time, let’s head over to “Top 4 WhatsApp tips and tricks for your Android” :
1. Hide the last seen timestamps
WhatsApp is now part and parcel of everybody’s life. Whether it’s you or me, no one can spend even few hours without using this amazing instant messaging client. Apart from live chat, mesmerising features like sharing media and other data are key features that allows WhatsApp to hold number of users with it. Although everything is quite handy in WhatsApp, but one thing that annoys majority of users is Last seen Timestamp. Though, for iOs users, they can easily hide the last seen timestamps through advanced settings. But considering Android users, no such feature was available till now. As a matter of fact, Android is synonym to modifications. So, it’s still possible to hide the last seen timestamps on Android devices.
*Before you begin, you need :
- An Android device running 2.1 or higher version.
- Block Whatsapp last seen app installed on your device
Download and install this AppThough this app is removed from Play Store,
*How to Block Whatsapp last seen on your Android:
- Done with installing the app? If yes, open the app from app drawer. In the app, tick “Block last seen“ (see the image 1 below).
- Now, open WhatsApp. While you are in Whatsapp you will not receive any messages. Though you can write them but they won’t be send. When you leave Whatsapp or turn off the screen, your written messages will be sent and your pending ones will be received. Next time you’ll open WhatsApp, no one can see your Last seen Timestamp.
- In case you want to see friend’s last timestamp and want to hide yours simultaneously : Open WhatsApp –> Open your friend’s contact –> Press home button –> Wait for few seconds –> Again open that friend’s contact –> You can now see your friend’s last seen timestamp.
- What’s the trick behind the app? : When you are in whatsapp, your network is disabled to block “last seen” notification. Once out of Whatsapp(or turn off screen), your network is restored to the previous state.
- How it works ?It restricts or deactivates your cellphone’s internet connection while your Whatsapp is running on your mobile phone. It doesn’t allow the servers to update your last message reading ( Last Seen) status.1. First of all, Download and install this App .
2. Open the app and tick “Block Last Seen”- Now go to WA and you will notice that you Internet connection has automatically went off .
- As soon as you leave Whatsapp, it will enable Internet connection of your cellphone.
Disable Last Seen in Whatsapp using Manual method1. Disable your cellphone’s Interent and Wifi.
2. Open Whatsapp. Read and send messages.
3. Close WA, now enable Internet and Wifi. As soon as the Internet connectivity re-initialized , WA will synchronize with the servers and the messages will be sent without the server getting your last online status update.Disable Last Seen in Whatsapp for Iphone
I am an Iphone user, what to do ?Just relax because the latest update of WA for Iphone have “Last Seen Timestamp” option. Simply go Settings>> Advanced>>Last Seen Timestamp and turn it OFF
2. Create fake WhatsApp conversation
WhatsApp is now part and parcel of everybody’s life. Whether it’s you or me, no one can spend even few hours without using this amazing instant messaging client. Apart from live chat, mesmerising features like sharing media and other data are key features that allows WhatsApp to hold number of users with it. Forget everything for now and think deeply about your naughty side. Now, take a deep breath and answer a simple question, have you ever thought to create fake WhatsApp conversation that never existed? Probably yes. Isn’t it?
April Fool Guys! It’s that time of the year again! Now easily Prank your friends by making up your own WhatsApp conversations and share them with all your friends to see their reaction.
*Before you begin, you need :
- An Android device running ICS 4.0 or higher version.
- Whatsaid app (PlayStore link).
There might be possibility that this app is not compatible for your device or this app is not available for your country. If you still wish to use this app, here’s a downloadlink or look for QR code provided below.
*Things to remember while using this app :
- You can change the chat background by just tapping the conversation screen.
- For inserting the victims profile picture, simply tap the profile picture space.
- You can change the chat’s date and time easily by just pressing the message time stamp.
3. Extend WhatsApp license for free upto 2022
Things Needed:
1.Android Phone with Whatsapp installed,having your account.
2.Nokia Symbian phone.Steps:
1.Uninstall your Whatsapp from your android phone.
2.Now remove sim card and insert your sim card in Nokia.
2.Now remove sim card and insert your sim card in Nokia.
3.Now install a fresh new downloaded version of Whatsapp in Nokia which can be downloaded by going to from mobile browser.
4.After installation make an account of your number of which you have inserted in Nokia and use it for a while.
5.After that just switch off Nokia and then change your sim card to Android Phone.
6.Now register with your number and its done.
Enjoy lifetime service of whatsapp!!!!
Before we begin you will need an iPhone/iPad (Borrow it form your friend , Its just needed for 5 minutes)
So here is the way to do it.
- Uninstall WhatsApp from your phone (Android /Symbian/Windows/Blackberry)
- Now register on your friends phone using your number.
- You will get the WhatsApp verification Code on your phone , Enter it in your friends iPhone.
- After it you will see that WhatsApp is running on your friends phone through your phone number.
- Now remove WhatsApp from your friends phone.
- Install WhatsApp back on your phone register your number again, and VIOLA..!!'ve got subscription extended up to 2022
4. Bonus Tip : Run multiple WhatsApp account on your Android
*Before you begin, you need :
- A rooted Android device.
- SwitchMe multiple accounts app for your rooted Android (Play Store link).
SwitchMe allows you to log in and out of multiple user spaces just as you would on a desktop computer, with each account having its own system settings, apps and data.
- WhatsApp for your device (Play Store link).
- Make sure you have plenty of space on your device SD card and Phone memory.
- Done with Installing SwitchMe app? If yes, follow the steps provided below.
- Open the SwitchMe app and create two different user profiles for running two different WhatsApp account. These user profiles will have their own own system settings, apps and data.
- The First user profile you created will work as an Administrator and this account will contain all the apps and data that you are having now. You will be having WhatsApp on this profile if you are using it on your device earlier.
- The second user profile is the new one, and will contain your Another WhatsApp account.
- Now, register WhatsApp for your second SIM in this profile. Done? Congratulations! You successfully activated multiple WhatsApp account on your Android.
Switch to this account—> Set up your phone for this account—> Open Play Store—> Install WhatsApp.
5. Have your Android to read WhatsApp notifications for you
*Before you begin, you need :
- An Android device version 2.3.3 or up.
- Voice for notification app installed on your device. (PlayStore link)
- Text-to-speech app installed on your device. (PlayStore link)
*Have your Android to read WhatsApp notifications for you :
- Done with installing above mentioned app? If yes, follow the steps provided below.
- Open Voice for notification app and it will ask you to allow this application from accessibility settings. No worries, do it by just heading towards Settings–>Accessibility–> Turn the accessibility settings for this app to On.
- Now, head over to app once again and select the apps for which you want your device to read notifications for you. Apart from WhatsApp, your device is allowed to read notifications from Gmail, Line, Viber and SpotBros.
- It’s time to just sit back and automate your Android to read WhatsApp notifications for you. Isn’t it amazing?
If your device is with screen on, the App will show you a banner with the content of the notification for 3 secs instead of read the message. If you want your to read notificatins for you even when screen is On, you can do it from app settings.

WhatsApp Hacking
After lot of Researching I came upon with 3 Watsapp Hacks which Really Works, and in this article i will also clear some misconception on WatsApp Hacking.
Let’s Get Started
1. WhatsApp Sniffer
WhatsAppSniffer is a tool for root terminals to read WhatsApp conversations of a WIFI network (Open, WEP, WPA/WPA2). It captures the conversations, pictures / videos and coordinates that aresent or received by an Android phone, iPhone or Nokia on the same WIFI network. It has not been tested with W indows Phone terminals. It can’t read the messages written or received by the BlackBerry’s, as they use their own servers and not WhatsApp’s.
This application is designed to demonstrate that the security of WhatsApp’s communications is null. WhatsAppSniffer just use the TCPDump program which reads all the WIFI network packets and filters those which has origin or destination WhatsApp’s servers. All messages are in plain text, so it does not decrypt anything, complying fully with the legal terms of WhatsApp (3.C: “While we do not disallow the use of sniffers Such as Ethereal, tcpdump or HttpWatch in general, Any we do going efforts to disallow reverse-engineer our system, our protocols, or explore outside the boundaries of the ordinary requests made by clients WhatsApp …. “)
For WPA/WPA2 encrypted networks, if uses the tool ARPSpoof (optional).
This application is designed to demonstrate that the security of WhatsApp’s communications is null. WhatsAppSniffer just use the TCPDump program which reads all the WIFI network packets and filters those which has origin or destination WhatsApp’s servers. All messages are in plain text, so it does not decrypt anything, complying fully with the legal terms of WhatsApp (3.C: “While we do not disallow the use of sniffers Such as Ethereal, tcpdump or HttpWatch in general, Any we do going efforts to disallow reverse-engineer our system, our protocols, or explore outside the boundaries of the ordinary requests made by clients WhatsApp …. “)
For WPA/WPA2 encrypted networks, if uses the tool ARPSpoof (optional).
- A Rooted Android Device.
- Your Victim Should Use Same Wi-Fi Through Which you are connected.
- WhatsAppSniffer Donate ★ root v1.03.
2. Decrypting Conversations
have your victim locked his whatsapp? or you want all his conversation on your PC. Generally for security reasons WhatsApp encrypt Conversation while taking backup in SD Card or Phone Memory.But i have found a tool on XDA that claims to decrypt all the whatsapp conversation down to your PC.
If you have some access over his device you can also send files from Bluetooth to your device and later read all the conversations.
This tool is called WhatsApp Xtract and for this all credits goes to ztedd
Some general advice on how to backup Whatsapp and get the database file:
- In Whatsapp go to settings – more – Backup Chats
- Copy the folder “Whatsapp” on the SD card to your backup location (e.g., PC)
- (ideally also) use the app Titanium Backup to backup the full whatsapp application together with its data, copy the backup from the folder “TitaniumBackup” on the SD card to your backup location (e.g., PC)
- Use this tool Whatsapp Backup Extractor (download in this thread) to show the chats in a friendly readable format. The necessary files “wa.db” and “msgstore.db” you will find inside the Titanium Backup archive “com.whatsapp-[Date]-[some digits].tar.gz”, alternatively (without Titanium Backup) you can use the msgstore.db.crypt file from the folder Whatsapp/Databases on the SD card.
- Copy the folder “Whatsapp” on the SD card to your backup location (e.g., PC)
- (ideally also) use the app Titanium Backup to backup the full whatsapp application together with its data, copy the backup from the folder “TitaniumBackup” on the SD card to your backup location (e.g., PC)
- Use this tool Whatsapp Backup Extractor (download in this thread) to show the chats in a friendly readable format. The necessary files “wa.db” and “msgstore.db” you will find inside the Titanium Backup archive “com.whatsapp-[Date]-[some digits].tar.gz”, alternatively (without Titanium Backup) you can use the msgstore.db.crypt file from the folder Whatsapp/Databases on the SD card.
- use Itunes to create an unencrypted Backup
- use an Iphone Backup Tool to get the file net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Documents/ChatStorage.sqlite, e.g. I-Twin or Iphone Backup Extractor. Make sure to create an unencrypted backup with Itunes, as these tools can’t handle encrypted backups. Another possibility are forensic tools like UFED Physical Analyzer.)
- use an Iphone Backup Tool to get the file net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Documents/ChatStorage.sqlite, e.g. I-Twin or Iphone Backup Extractor. Make sure to create an unencrypted backup with Itunes, as these tools can’t handle encrypted backups. Another possibility are forensic tools like UFED Physical Analyzer.)
- sync your blackberry with desktop manager and then copy the messagestore.db file from SD
- however, it seems that this file is encrypted? Currently we don’t know how to get the unencrypted messagestore.db file
- Blackberry not supported yet!
- however, it seems that this file is encrypted? Currently we don’t know how to get the unencrypted messagestore.db file
- Blackberry not supported yet!
- not known yet
- Nokia not supported yet!
- Nokia not supported yet!
For Further Detail about this Method you can move to this Forum of XDA.
3. Using Spywares
Using 3rd Party Spywares can be very useful for spying not only WhatsApp Conversation but also many things like, you can able to Track GPS Location, you can capture the lock screen passwords and they can be also used for monitoring Websites. there are many spywares in the market but i recommend is BOSSPY. Because it’s free 
Some Misconceptions about WhatsApp hacking
after writing ”4 WhatsApp Tricks and Hacks [Android]” I have received a number of E-Mail Most of them were asking for help for hacking their partner’s WhatsApp and I have replied them all. but lots of people were having misconceptions about whatsapp hacking so let me discuss over here.
- Hacking WhatsApp is Much Harder than Hacking Facebook and Twitter as Facebook and Twitter can be Hacked using Social Engeenering Techniques like Phising and many others when we compare to hack someones WhatsApp Account and Gain Full Access over his Account – It is nearly Impossible.
- There is no tool that can hack whatsapp and give you a full access over someone’s whatsapp account. Yes, there are Lot’s of Youtube Video’s ,Websites Filled with “WhatsApp Hack Tool” which claim that they can but the reality is they can’t.
* This article is for educational purposes only. we are not responsible for actions of any individual

WattsApp Tricks and Hacking
1. Whatsapp Image Trick (Change Image) with Magiapp
Image hide which is one of the most popular. Users can Hide image inside another image using android Application name "Magiapp"
Being for privacy reason WhatsApp does not allows you to download Pictures of your WhatsApp Contacts. But the truth is that it automatically downloads the pictures when you view them once.
Step 5. Turn of Wifi or Deactivate data network for a while.(till you prank your friend). as his real profile picture will not Download then.
Step 6: Show and Appreciate him for his new profile picture by showing him or by taking screenshot of your device screen.
Messenger Lock is the solution. Messenger Lock gives a Pattern lock security for your WhatsApp messenger.
The WhatsApp can only be accessible if you enter the pattern password correctly.If you have naughty friends who like to send messages to other on your behalf from whatsapp, install Messenger Lock. It will still let them use the rest of the phone but block whatsapp from them.
Just Go and Download This Application
Image hide which is one of the most popular. Users can Hide image inside another image using android Application name "Magiapp"
Using this app you can send Picture in another picture in whatsapp only. below picture describe you all
This application is available only for Android user there is no alternative available for Windows and Apple Store (If you know let us know by below comment section).
2. Sniff Profile Pictures of your Friends

the pictures you view is saved in /sdcard/WhatsApp/Profile Pictures and the image name of picture is contact number of your WhatsApp Contact.well if you want to download that picture you have to just copy that image to somewhere other directory like /sdcard/AnyOtherFolder .
3. Change Friends Profile Picture.
It is possible to change the Profile Picture of your Friend and shock them, this trick is related to 2nd trick.
Let's Get Started:
Step 1. Choose a good picture for your friend and download it.for instance it will take troll face.
Step 2. Now Rename the Image with your Friends Mobile Number. For example , i will change it to 945789**** of my friend Milan
Step 3. Resize the image to 561 * 561 using paint by following these steps:
- Right Click the image and "Open With">Paint
- Press Ctrl + W and check "by Pixels"
- Set the values to 561 Height and 561 Width
- Ctrl + S to Save it.

4. Use Fancy Text in-between your conversations
are you bored with the normal text chat and try something new. then i am sure you would like this. for this trick you have to download small application in your device "Fancy Text Generator".
There are total 18 different Styles you can choose from.
and the best part of this trick is you can change your WhatsApp statuses, name of Groups and communicate in fancy text!
More Tricks and Hacks.
5. Lock Your WhatsApp
Get complete privacy and security of your Whats App with Pattern Messenger Lock.
Afraid that anyone can access WhatsApp on your phone and see your private conversations?
Afraid that anyone can access WhatsApp on your phone and see your private conversations?
Messenger Lock is the solution. Messenger Lock gives a Pattern lock security for your WhatsApp messenger.
The WhatsApp can only be accessible if you enter the pattern password correctly.
Just Go and Download This Application